2 Feathers Medicine/Symmetry of Health/New Teachings /w Andrew Bartzis/advanced couples healing clip

2 years ago

A short clip of one of our live advanced healing sessions with Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian.

Want to join us with Andrew Bartzis for a Scottish tour?

Dale Tobin - Symmetry of health - https://www.daletobin.com/

https://www.youtube.com/@Dale Tobin-Symmetry Of Health-TwoFeathersMedicine

Laura Massey & Maty Waller - https://www.twofeathersmedicine.com/

Want a reading with Andrew Bartzis? Book a session at: https://www.andrewbartzis.com/

And check out Andrew's episode on Gaia!

And Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, you can tune in at 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT for another New Teachings episode with the Galactic Historian, Two Feathers Medicine, & Symmetry of Health. Its a mystery episode!

JOIN US this FRIDAY for a special Galactic Historian Entertainment livestream! We start with live comedy with Monty Dean & Melissa Hocking-Hughes at 12pm AEDT / 5pm PST / 8pm EST. The second hour is exclusive on Rumble, followed by casual chat & gaming with Andrew & friends over a game of World of Warcraft! You can join us on the Kel'Thuzad server.

Check us out on our new Rumble channel:

Andrew Bartzis - https://andrewbartzis.com/
To connect with Andrew:
Facebook: Andrew Bartzis @GalacticHistorian
Instagram: @andrewbartzisgh

#advancedhealing #shamanism

#lightworkers #lightworker #violetflame

#coupleshealing #couples #couple #couplestatus

#andrewbartzis #sacredneutral

#healingjourney #awakening #sacredpath #spirituality

#galactichistorian #twofeathersmedicine #symmetryofhealth

All stock video/audio content from Vegas Pro Creative Hub

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