New Atramentum Sound Labs Setup: Novation SL MK III Ableton, Reaktor 5, Kodamo Essence FM, Electribe

2 years ago

This project took 3 weeks and a whackload of my health with it. But it allows for far more live spontaneity, especially when 2 or 3 people jam together, and it allows for much greater ease of spinning and overlaying sounds on top of tracks played via digital or analog DJ equipment (I use digital but some of my friends prefer analog and old school turntables). main thing which changed is I separated the area with drum machines from area with melody synths. I can still access both, but it makes it easier for a second person to jam along. The total amount of DAW drum machines simultaneously available for live jamming increased from 2 to ...10 (!!). Yep. Some of them can be grooveboxes and pads if necessary, and even digital melody synths are accessible via Ableton VSTs through SL MK III should the second musician need them.

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