Genesis | Pt. 28 God Knows

1 year ago

Join Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer at Sheridan.Church in Tulsa, OK

Sermon notes:

Genesis 25:19-34
Esau was short-sighted
He could not see the bigger picture but only the immediate need
He made the need bigger than what it actually was
"I want it now"

God Is My Source
In our desire to have something now we will often go find other sources who will give us what we think we want when we want it
When you go to anyone or anything to meet your needs, you will end up with regret
5 minutes of instant gratification can lead to 5 years of regret
The pressures of life causes us to seek provision
You can run to sex, work, toxic people or God
You have to reach the place where you realize that God is my source
The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want
If you’ve discovered that God is your source why don’t you let give him thanks
Think about this: why did Esau not run to his father?
Don't judge Esau too quickly though
How often do we run to other people or things before we run to our Father?
We will run to so many things before we run to God who is literally our Source
God has what you need because He is what you need
Sometimes God will allow something to dry up to remind who that He is your source
Remember when God told Elijah go hide at the Kerith Ravine
While at Kerith in a drought God promises to provide
Where God guides He always provides
God provides supernaturally during the drought with the brook & ravens
Elijah gets comfortable with this provision and things change
1st Kings 17:7-9
When the brook dries up we don't run to other sources we look to God
The same God who had ravens and a broom at Keith has a widow at Zarephath
When a source that God was using dries up that doesn’t mean God has forgotten you
The Bible says, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."
Because the Lord is my Shepherd that’s why I shall not want
That means not only does God provide for me but He knows what I need
We think we know what we need, but sometimes it's a want and not a need
Not everything we want is good for us
I am so glad for the times I wanted something I did not need that God protected me from my desire
God knows what I need
God is my source today, He will be my source tomorrow
Esau could not see the value of his birthright over the pressure of the immediate need that he made bigger than what it was
Philippians 4:10-13
God is your source, God is your reward
Life is process of learning that God is my source
Philippians 4:14-19
God is your source
What source are you going to?
Esau went to the wrong source
He went to Jacob who was a manipulator and deceiver
As we look at this family one word comes to mind: dysfunctional
God knew how dysfunctional this family was yet He still intentionally chose to use them

God Is Omniscient
I don't fully know who God is; God is beyond me
I may not fully know everything there is to know about God but God knows everything there is to know about me
God is so BIG
God is Omnipotent & Omniscient
Omniscient = All Knowing
God is the only one who knows my tomorrow
God knows what is beneath everything that I am on the surface
God knows the good about me
God knows what I don't want anyone to know about me
People see the Instagram me but God sees the real me and still likes me
God knows everything about you and yet He still pursues you
While we were still sinners Christ died for us
God is omniscient; all knowing
He knows everything about us even the really bad stuff
Knowing what He knows He still intentionally chooses to knows by having a relationship with us
God relentlessly pursues you
The grace, mercy, love and goodness of God is beyond comprehension
God is all knowing; He knew that you were messed up and yet He still called you
He knew you were messed up and He still anointed you
He knows you
Psalm 139:1-16
God is Big; God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, God is Omniscient

If God is Omniscient then why pray?
We do not pray to inform God but to involve God
Isaac prayed and God got involved
Philippians 4:6-7
Involve God in everything because He is your source
Prayer is not a last resort
Prayer is like breathing air
Affects every area of life
But we treat prayer like a spare tire
Prayer is a last resort
Things are bad when people decide to pray
Prayer is important
Can be done throughout the day
Conversation with God
We have a direct line of communication with the Creator of all things
Don’t be like Esau and not involve your father in your needs
You don’t need to inform God; you need to involve God

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