Deferred Sales Trust

1 year ago

Want to pay LESS to the IRS when selling your real estate investments and NOT have to Worry about Rushing to REINVEST? This show is for YOU!!

Meet Brett Swarts; he is considered one of the most well-rounded Capital Gains Tax Deferral Experts and informative speakers in the U.S. He is a Multifamily Investment Expert, CRE Broker and the Founder of Capital Gains Tax Solutions.

Brett is an expert at helping high net worth investors escape the 1031 exchange and capital gains tax limitations using an innovative and often missed strategy called a Deferred Sales Trust™ (“DST”).

This can help your real estate, primary home, CRE, business and crypto millionaire defer millions in capital gains tax and create and preserve wealth. This is not the standard 1031 exchange. This is a strategy which most have never heard of, and only a few know how to execute.

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