Will it transmit on CB?

2 years ago

This is a full function 5 band ham radio. Well, it’s a 6 band radio because this one works on the 11 meter band. Great for listening of course. But handy for emergencies. I’m using an external amplified speaker. I buggered the enclosed one up during assembly. Yes it’s a kit. Be careful where you order it. There are copy cats on eBay. UELLYQH is the one I use. You either have to get the high band kit or the classic. The pre made one is a very good one. But it’s for lower bands. However, you could get the premade version and get the high band or classic band kit. The add on band kits are only $28! Once built, it simply snaps in. You may need to tune it. Although you could get lucky. It’s not to hard to tune it. There are some easy techniques. I had to buy a $17 online voltage/watt/amp meter to calibrate efficiency. Simple math that is on the creator’s website. You can find him on YouTube. DL2MAN. I’ve seen this rig on the Walmart app as well. You’ll need to get a strange sized power plug on your own. It can be found on Amazon. In the meantime you can listen and transmit a 1/2 watt safely using a micro usb plug on the side of the rig. That’s used for programming. Although I couldn’t get it to program. Others have had better results. For programming, your usb cable must be a data cable. Many are not. Let me know if you would like me to make more videos about this.

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