Why We Fall For The Wrong People

2 years ago

If you feel like you just keep getting let down by the people you date and can't seem to break the cycle of chasing people that aren't good for you, this video may be able to help.

For many people today, finding the right partner is a confusing and often demoralizing task. The sheer array of dating apps, social media platforms, and urban myths surrounding what makes for an appealing person can be simply overwhelming. As a result of this, many of us turn to simplifying people down to a set of desired traits. In this video, we want to point out a big mistake that many of us make in dating. We get so caught up in these symbols and checklist traits that we fail to understand what we really want in a person. When we romanticize things to an unrealistic level, we set ourselves up for failure when things inevitably blow up in or face. Philosophy is in the background here, but we wanted to take a more pointed approach this time. Let us know how we did!

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