Education or Indoctrination? Pursuit of Truth II

1 year ago

III. Indoctrination= in Latin prefix which could mean not against + doctrinaire, doctrina to teach

Doctrine: late 14c., "the body of principles, dogmas, etc., in a religion or field of knowledge," from Old French doctrine (12c.) "teaching, doctrine" and directly from Latin doctrina "a teaching, body of teachings, learning, from doctor" teacher" (see doctor (n.)) + -ina, fem. of -inus, suffix forming fem. abstract nouns (see -ine (1)).
The notion is "whatever is taught or laid down as true by a master or instructor," hence "any set of principles held as true."

So the pivot point is the understanding of Truth, as Pontius Pilate correctly stated, “What is Truth.” for show notes

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