Climate / Global Warming / Fear / Hoax

2 years ago

Historical pictures reveal facts. Your eyes do not lie.

Although the 1920 photograph has less resolution, I do not see any rise in sea "Level".
Here's another example from Australia. There are many more from all across God's flat level earth & oceans. Green new deals ? They want the green from your paychecks, about "40 % and rising".

This ship frozen in ice happened about ten years ago while Rush Limbaugh was still on air. Seems a group of 52 climate change scientific scientists sponsored by elites went north to prove the ice is melting at alarming levels.

The predicament and rescue attempts of 52 passengers – both tourists and scientists – on the Russian ship Academik Shokalskiy has gripped media around the world. The frozen rescue attempt was impressive and a great relief, although the vessel itself and its crew are still stuck – *** and now one of the icebreakers sent to help in the rescue, the Chinese ship also was stuck in the ice. ***
Rush Limbaugh had a heyday with this botched attempt to convince people climate change will kill us all. Rush taught us years ago there is absolutely no fact supporting such fairy tales. That's right there are no cow farts destroying our atmosphere at any altitude.

The only real dangerous gas is that coming out of our very own organized crime governments. Global warming , green house effects are all skillfully manipulated distractions to steal good hones working taxpayers money. Its a huge money grab, plain and simple.

Doubt me ? Just look for facts that prove climate change is real ! The very first thing you will find is there are zero facts. You will find its written by a politician that talks out six sides of there mouths. Total Bullshit, no facts. They state its a fact, with no facts ?

The only real dangerous gas is that coming out of our very own organized crime governments. Global warming , green house effects are all skillfully manipulated distractions to steal good honest working, taxpayers money. Its a huge money grab, plain and simple.
Doubt me ? Just look for facts that prove climate change is real ! The very first thing you will find is there are zero facts. You will find its written by a politician that talks out six sides of there mouths. Total Bullshit, no facts. They state its a fact, with no facts ?

I cant find any facts to support global warming or climate change. I have found an abnormal amount of attacks to silence opposing views, & honest questions. Connect the dots. Trust your inner intuition.

What is undeniable is the so called fact checking attacks to hide the truth. When you are over the target, the attacks try to cover up the deception ! Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter are desperate to hide "freedom of Truth". It is organized crime.

I included a flat world map so you can see where Austrailia and The statue of liberty are located. Its one big flat level ocean.

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