2 years ago
We have an opportunity to return to a trusted and proven path, using the power of State Governments to reinstate a sound money system based on assets………..not debt

All 50 states have the power through the legislative process to provide a sound money (gold & silver backed) alternative that is not only constitutional but could also salvage our national sovereignty.

Several states including: Utah, New Hampshire and Wyoming have already passed Legal Tender laws reauthorizing gold and silver as constitutional money, and to recognize it's use in payment of taxes and other debts.

Globalists and the power elite who control international finance clearly understand the easiest way to manage people is by controlling their ability to buy and sell.

The international banking elite have worked tirelessly to convey the notion that gold and silver are “arcane relics of a bygone era” and completely irrelevant in modern finance.

Meanwhile, they continue to consolidate power, subordinate national sovereignty to global hegemony, and are moving completely away from cash (coinage and currency) into a 100% digital monetary system.

This guarantees absolute and total control of humanity by a handful of extremely powerful banking families that set all the rules for the rest of us.

The new cashless digital economy is a scheme much worse than just a debt based economy because it will be AI computer controlled and will be plugged into a social credit operating system that will tell you what you are eligible to do or eat, where you can live, and whom you are allowed to associate with.

Since we now have the technology and the ability through State Legislatures to return to a Sound Money System, don't we owe it to our ourselves, our communities and families to put the country back on the path of fiscal responsibility?

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