Requiem for the Masses

1 year ago

The mind/body/soul trifecta is the catalyst that we all possess and investing into the health & wellness of these attributes not only sharpens the mind, builds the body and enlightens the soul/spirit but provides the necessary tools needed for dealing with hardship,

Weakness abounds as exhibited by the toxic, lazy and comfort driven (m)asses who see not the forest through the trees,

Ignorance may be bliss, excuses may be offered but at the end of your time it is what you've done and the choices made that define the outcome no matter the slice of the Universe one resides in,

Perspective is everything and many are already embracing their own self imposed damnation as ignorance no matter the topic is bliss sadly for the mentally weak and feeble,

What is too come shall either embolden and strengthen ones resolution or melt the vacuous confines of the little box they choose to reside in.

~Chili Bu Revolution
Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum


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