The Announcement Of The Prophet's Impending Death. | Untranslated Islam #17

2 years ago

Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef
Episode 17: the Announcement of the Prophet's Impending Death- Feeling our Short Surahs

In this episode, a brief history of the last verse of legislation, last complete chapter, and very last verse of Quran revealed. Also the engaging story of Umar, Ibn Abbaas, and the Elders of Badr. The entire story of this surah, the Farewell Sermon, and the Prophet's (PBUH) death in context. and, of course, benefits and advises for how to apply this knowledge to our current lives.

For more information, see the timestamps below:

- 00:00 - Intro - Review of love and Joy in Surat An Nasr

- 01:45 - 1)Last verse of legislation, 2)last complete chapter, and 3)very last verse revealed

- 04:15 - Hadith: Story of Umar, Ibn Abbaas and the Elders from the Battle of Badr

- 07:45 - The Prophet's Levels of Love for Specific Individuals

- 10:25 - Umar shows the Elders of Badr the virtue of young Ibn Abbaas

- 12:50- Ibn Abbaas reveals that this surah was the announcement of the Prophet's Impending Death

- 14:55 - When the surah was revealed in relation to the famous Farwell Sermon

- 17:15 _ The Prophet secretly informs his daughter Faatimah that he's about to die

- 23:15 - Last Verse: How to prepare for death and the transition into the Next Life

- 25:30 - Ibn Katheer and Shaykh Uthaymeen: The two angles of benefit extracted from this Surah

- 25:45 - Salat Al Fat-h: 8 rak'at prayer that is sunnah when opening a new land

- 29:30 - Advice: Opening our hearts and drinking in benefit, then applying it to Salat, and life

Let's get these Hasanaat... Bi Ithnillah!

Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives.

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