What Happened to German Sovereignty?

2 years ago

In her January 14 presentation to a Schiller Institute (SI) conference, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the history of the strategy of tension against Germany, directed by an International Assassination Bureau. This has been a continuous feature of a geopolitical policy of containment against Germany, which led to World War I. Attempts to break out of this led to the assassination of leading German officials, from Rathenau, the architect of the Rapallo Treaty
with the USSR in 1922, to a series of assassinations from 1977 to 1991. To avoid further tragedy, it is long overdue that the lessons from this history be learned, and a new strategic and development architecture replace the present deadly Unipolar Order.
Video of Jan. 14 event: https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/conference_20230114
Register here for Feb. 14 SI online conference:

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