Prof. Dolores Cahill Interviews Prof. Mattias Desmet - Totalitarianism in SCHOOLS and EDUCATION

1 year ago

Prof. Dolores Cahill Interviews Prof. Mattias Desmet Dublin Sept 22nd 2022 - mass formation is clearly a tool used on the public in schooling

The methods used are totalitarian methods to alienate individuals and destroy the individual.

1. Terror (e.g. the constantly repeated idea there is an extremely dangerous virus is going to kill us)

2. Sequestration (e.g. lockdown, restrictions on freedom of movement) and infringement of inalienable fundamental rights such as freedom of movement, freedom of expression, etc.

3. Exclusion and mistreatment (critical citizens are considered "bad", even to the point of calling for murder in some political discourses, for example in Italy, where personalities from journalism, politics and medicine called for a segregation in trains between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated, suggesting a sign around the neck for the non-vaccinated, with declarations wishing for the re-establishment of the gas chambers).

4. Conflict of loyalty (forcing individuals to make impossible choices, false choices), for example between the right to work (to our means of subsistence) and the right to control what goes in our own body.

5. Hypnotic suggestion through the mass media, with the repetition of a deadly accounting discourses, and images of panic.

6. Censorship and persecutions
Any form of disagreement, or even simple questioning, encounters censorship and repression, in the face of a dogmatic narrative that no one has the right to refute, despite the many paradoxes it contains. Eg youtube twitter facebook bans etc.

7. Repeated traumatic shocks on the population
For example, footage of people dying and collapsing, crisis actors, orders of closure issued at the last moment, sometimes even orders within orders, paradoxical discourses. The government has been known to say everything and its opposite, sometimes within weeks of each other, without ever justifying what was said before.

8. Generalised anomalies
For example, courts closed, no autopsies, babies sent straight to hospital, incentives to professionals traditionally not licensed to perform injections, like the nutritionists or the physiotherapists, for profit).

9. Guilt-tripping of individuals, seduction, blackmail, intimidation, threats, refusal of care of some categories of the population, lack of education for children, disorganization of spatial and temporal benchmarks for the entire world population, surveillance, and transgression of people's intimate lives, etc.

Make children feel responsible for “killing granny” with the imaginary virus.

The questioning public are treated like psychotic prisoners on parole in school and everywhere else

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