whatever i'm doin proves that i'm truly alive

2 years ago

don't wanna do what's not positive for the human race
this art form is all about degneracy in the current day n age
this "reality"
if they don't go along w/ obscenity/gender ideaulogy then you're so mean
you're gonna kill yourself SPOILER
you say my truth i get it you're confused it's okay
things are just obvious
the devil has nothing but lies and confusion
they do treat me that way, not all of em but some of em
until this world is officially over and unfortunately it can't be over soon enough
most people have no choice but to project
kinda wish they would just slit their wrists
you're mean if you don't say that
we gotta drive first okay
PROOF that we had a red light
...as if i never ever arbitrarily start/stop anything/everything
our timing is off, we are just so terrible
comedy is "mental illness" at its' best
artists can create every day and that is such a gift
...and they're all on their phones
CLASSIC american fambly
and empathy is the reason for depression
if they had self-awareness they'd be outta here
they're so jealous of us and our irresponsible lifestyle
this is somewhat of an outlandish life we are very aware
i could get married, pop out babies, and pull all my harr out
these plebs are so annoying
no such thing as settling down w/ schizophrenia hahaha
did you know ____
sari i sound like H&R collection (alex)
most people are so annoying and dense
you use electricity, you might as well just get a smartphone
my impression of your avg. modern day ameroggant piece of shit
ya know you could just ask me but you won't
don't worry about offending someone, just say what chu wanna say
pulled in this or that direction, so how do they even know
maybe that's an unfair thing to say
i wish i could simplify it for ya
dust it off and go on our way, why can't people do that
they say everything but what they need to
they dunno how they feel from one moment to the next
how could they truly understand the cards that they've been dealt and play them well
internalized thought, 6yrs old
they woulda laughed at me anyway
typical societal stuff makes people even more self-conscious than they already are
i wish i could flip it but why do i even bother caring about it
hooked on drugs but they don't call em drugs
how could you expect anything to get better
they will never ever ever again be in a good state of mind
i could bring my Holy Water or toss my crucifix but...
why try to fix what insists on being broken
no hope at all for society
i exist so there is hope
their minds have been polluted by garbage
i guess i ain't negative after all
i use the word motherfucker interchangeably
nothin inspirational there, sari goodie2shoes
way greater testimony from converts
i feel like a murderer over here
maybe i should let go of the political stuff, i'm bloody sick of it anyway
social speculations, been doin that since the late eighties
i don't see stereotypes, now that's a true statement
racism is not that serious yawl, it's time to move on
they'll make bank getting rid of gender
the man in my head explains it
yeah, well they still won't get it...so true
what if it's just not funny at all
if imma try to stop swearing imma fuck that up (case in point)

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