Exmark Zero Turn with 52" Toro Snowblower

2 years ago

Exmark Zero Turn with 52" Toro Snowblower is an Exmark lawnmower I bought in 2008, I had seen a picture of one with a snowblower on it but I believe the picture was doctored because I don’t think Exmark ever actually built one with a snowblower attachment before Toro bought them out.

I found the Toro blower in Indiana on eBay and got it for $1000, it was at a college in Ohio, and they had only used it a couple times stored it in a corner, they had sold the mower but forgot they even had the blower attachment, lucky me! I ran and picked it up, mounted it to my Exmark, but it was just too heavy, and my mower would not move even with chains. I didn’t want to start cutting to add mounts for hydraulics so I put the project on hold until retirement.

In January 2018 I retired, and in the fall of 2019 I started working on the project, I took these pictures as I went along on the build. I bought the hydraulic ram, hoses, and connectors through Surplus Center.

The first attempt was not so good the blower is so heavy that with weight transfer, and a little frame flex, both of which I’d hadn’t figured for the rocker attached to the hydraulic ram was too long and hit the ground.

After cutting it shorter and moving the hydraulic ram hole a little higher everything worked like a charm other than the rear of the Exmark now being to light.

A major find on Craigslist a pair 75 pound Case tractor weights for $80, what a deal! I built a rack for them which worked out perfectly. They look like they were designed for my Exmark. Then I will show some footage from an 11” snowfall from last weekend 2-9-20.

It doesn’t work quite as good as I thought it would, it could probably use a gearing change, maybe spin a little faster, but it seems my 27 horsepower has all it can handle now. I can clean my driveway pretty quick with it, so I’m happy with it!


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