i often get compared to tv characters/ag is the world's largest mental pretzel

2 years ago

no copyright claims for the sex pistols
the establishment said, go ahead n take their music
john lydon would agree w/ me on everythang
let's just talk about my harr and address any necessary questions
i looked at tulsi w/ such envy but not anymore
that car accident gave me enough anxiety to inspire this grey streak
aside from the giant gap in my mouth i look pretty good for my age
if this were a contest, WINNING
ag attempts to be vain
seeing people we used to know: squint and then get depressed
the camera is the worst thing ever invented
social media is porn, we've said this before
i make art outta disgust
i can't lie to save my life
laying low for right now
this bitterness is still all too fresh
empathy allows me to understand why people are wrong
empathy talks: this is why they say these things, amy
emotionally mature enough to know when not to have a conversation
the tendency whenever we get hurt to assume that the person responsible meant to hurt us or doesn't care
he's just a boomer, that's all
talking shit is yer specialty
when you don't wanna do sumin, that's probably when you most need to do it
personal fears disclosed
i am very conscious of my comedy no matter what anybody might think
spent 30 yrs running from the responsibility of making art
various sacrifices made for sumin you care about
i can't wrestle w/ this anymore, i just have to let it be
my jokes are my babies...i guess i have like 500,000 babies
wanting to do right by yer family vs. wanting to do right by the world (well, technically by God since we hate the world and live to piss it off)
responsibility to the community
i wait to watch my comedy sets, we anticipate it being excruciating. sometimes it is sometimes it isn't
i love knowing who's laughing
ronnit laughs in hebrew
various sacrifices involving capitalist virtues
everything is willy nilly
consciousness is weird
the plebs just wanna numb out
these are the kinda conversations you get into @ a restaurant
shameless is an appropriate term describing past life
tv+tik tok, no wonder their brain is mush (but this coworker is black so at least she ain't on pharmies tho i'm pretty certain she's a histrionic personality)
long before the tv there was the coliseum
innovation capitalizes on existential crisis
the schizo experience: tv, flipping channels
normies love tv+pharmies
no flashing light to indicate wtf that noise is
i hate this shit so a.d.d. much
are the voices a defense mechanism?
we know what's going on damnit
why can't you talk to yourself damnit
be half as interesting as ag, IMPOSSIBLE!
the more stuff going on upstairs, the less you need the downstairs
we don't NEED drugs but there's sumin to em ya gotta admit
keep getting high (bad drugs) over accept that you were molested by _____
marijuana WILL bring yer childhood back and not like an SSRI that might inspire you to kill yourself, NOT JOKING
i got off THIS drug and now i'm on THIS drug
i pray all the time+prayer book
everybody needs sumin to get thru the day
this often completely misunderstood thing called life
knee wrap is so annoying but we must use it
the only ones that listen to me are crazy too but the happiest they can be in this shit world
i sweat like a man, it's so embarrassing
any less level-headed, and i'd be a "man"
properly gendered and delusional
i get literally misgendered all the time
thank you so much for calling me sir
masculine energy beaming off me
i relate to all this trance! stuff, i just don't look at this like a total fucking lunatic, it's all in yer mind (most things are)
i don't care about identifying a particular way *i just know a lot about mental illness, it really doesn't matter i am just a child of God in the weirdo outcast section
you are projecting asbergers onto me
why do they want a female aspie
men spend too much time with women (esp ONLINE)
women ain't interesting i really am the best and the only best
schizophrenia IS awesome, they lie about everything else yawl

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