Nato breaks promise to Russia not to expand east of Germany

2 years ago


Reasons why this Ukraine war is USA and Nato’s fault and not Russia fault.
1. NATO promised Russia not to expand east of Germany in 1991 when Germany joined Nato. Even though it was a verbal agreement with witnesses present , it wasn't written in a treaty, so USA sneakily used this slimy excuse to expand NATO east of Germany many times and expand militarily closer to Russia. This was an intentional provocation by the USA and NATO to get Russia mad by putting missiles and weapons closer to its border.

2. 2014 coup supported by USA in Ukraine installing puppet president in Ukraine and murdering Russian speaking Ukrainians along Russian border. Imagine if Russia supported a coup in Canada and put military to murder English speaking civilians along Canada-USA border for 8 years killing up to 14,000. Would the USA just let that happen or would they invade that border of Canada and protect those innocent civilians? They would invade just like Russia did.

3. During those 8 years of Ukraine murdering those Russians speakers along the border, Russia came to a peace deal with NATO to have a ceasefire with Ukrainian military known as the Minsk agreements to stop the war in Ukraine-Russian border. Both sides agreed and signed the peace deal. USA then kept providing weapons to Ukraine to continue murdering those civilians along the border of Russia. They ignored the peace deals with Russia known as the minsk agreements and continued trying to get Russia mad to provoke a war. They kept doing this until Russia finally defended itself and invaded the Ukraine Russian border.
Russia was trying for peace but USA and NATO kept putting military and missiles just minutes away from Russia on Ukraine border.

Russia was defending itself just like any country
would do but the bullshit media in this country intentionally hides these facts and feeds lies to keep us supporting it.

Also by the way, Ukraine military full of Nazis that hate Russia for defeating Hitler. USA and NATO support Nazis in Ukraine just to try to defeat Russia.

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