Did Pfizer Deep Pfake Hamlin's Pface to Protect their Trillion Dollar BIOWEAPON?!

2 years ago


Australian politicians are waking up to the tyrannies of W.H.O. regulations.
Maria Zeee is here to celebrate the victory and triumph of Novak Djokovic over Covid totalitarians .
The news Pfizer is conducting "gain of function" research is being covered by the mainstream media in Australia.
Every single person should have the same courage Novak Djokovic displayed and he is an example to the world!
Illegals are trashing Panama causing an environmental disaster.
Ben Bergquam is back to talk about illegal immigration and the intentional destruction of the west.
The communist policies in socialist countries are causing mass illegal immigration as citizens flee oppressive countries.
Ultimately, this is a controlled plan to destroy nation states and usher in tyranny.
The real “Big Lie” is that our leaders lie to us constantly about literally everything!

What if Damar Hamlin’s recovery is a cover-up?
Karen Kingston joins Stew and claims she could defend in a court of law that the most recent Damar Hamlin video is fake.
If you can change an audience’s perception then you can change their reality.
The technology and software used to create deep fakes is called “PAGAN Real Time”.
Hamlin’s new video is suspicious because he’s all by himself without his friends and family.
Artificial intelligence is a whole new level of deception.

We must hold the medical establishment accountable for Remdesivir deaths.
Esteban Lizarraga is here to explain his wife and baby’s near death nightmare caused by Remdesivir pushing Covidians!
Had the mother taken the full 10 day dose of Remdesivir she would not have survived.
If Remdesivir had killed the mother and child the hospital would have been rewarded with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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