Michele Guaitoli of Visions Of Atlantis The "Pirates" Tour Interview

2 years ago

Michele "Meek" Guaitoli is a man of many talents. He has been a music teacher, studio producer, studio owner, worked with major record labels, and lead sings for multiple bands. He currently is one of two lead singers for the Symphonic metal band: Visions of Atlantis. The legendary band is currently embarking on their first ever headlining tour of the United States. With Clémentine Delauney ,VOA's other lead singer Meek helps bring the story of their newest album "Pirates" to life. VOA are Thomas Caser, Clémentine Delauney, Christian Douscha, Herbert Glos, and Michele Guaitoli.

I first met Meek in Reading, Pa while attending the Dragon Force show. Concert Resume #90 (Link Below) I told him I love pirates and he responded saying I was at the right show. He was so generous with his time and 100 percent personable. Meek had alot to say and didn't waste a single word in this interview. Every word he said was important and gave a clear picture in what it is like to be in VOA and why the current iteration of the band indeed is a family. He has a true love for the art of music and with VOA, he demonstrates his commitment to the band and their vision.

Have you seen VOA yet? Are you going to see them on their first headlining tour of America? Let us know in the comments and subscribe!!!

Follow Visions of Atlantis:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visionsofatlantis/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUfzvqaP7gHrvWYrX9WQbQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visionsofatlantisofficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/voa_official

Buy "Pirates"


Follow: Meek Guaitoli
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meek_guaitoli/
Website: https://www.micheleguaitoli.com/

Concert Resume 90: Dragon Force, 7 Spires, VOA, & Firewind

Follow Ninja:
Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/john_the_ninja7/
Music and Concerts IG: https://www.instagram.com/lemmysays/
Video Games IG: https://www.instagram.com/ninjararegames/
TIK TOK:Johntheninja93

Video Layout:
3:20-1st headlining tour/Joining VOA
7:07- Marco Pastorino of Temperance
11:05-Touring the US (Challenges)
14:36-Best live songs the New Record "Pirates"
17:10- Writing w/ Clémentine
20:15- Visionary
24:15 Composing/ Being a artist
26:40-Keeping your voice strong
36:47- VOA is a family
41:10 Who is Who in VOA
47:20-Meeks job in VOA
58:25-Best Piece of Advise Ever Given

All music, pictures, and videos on this video belong to their respected owners. John the Ninja receives no compensation from the alternate links that are promoting any entities other than John the Ninja's media. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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