Limo Driver Main Shooter William Greer

1 year ago

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Moments earlier, gun shot from grassy knoll area taken by MAFIA hit man James Files hitting JFK in the throat. Not long after,
limo Driver Main Shooter William Greer slows car down and rests gun on CIA Passenger's shoulder firing fatal gun shot.. After firing the fatal shot, William Greer throws his weapon out of driver's side open be retrieved by an accomplice..

Stephen Sindoni shares shocking JFK assassination footage in this video.

A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.-James Joyce
Sindoni Says: The truth is stranger than fiction...
There has been speculation that the actions of President John F. Kennedy's driver, Tyrone-born William Greer, played a part in his death.

Despite his assassination being decades ago, the mystery and drama of John F. Kennedy's life and death continue to intrigue many people.

There are many Irish links to the Kennedys, one of the most famous Irish American families, but one Irish man, in particular, may have played a less than favorable part in young Jack Kennedy's death.

The book "The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence", which includes contributions from Clint Hill, the secret service agent closest to President John F. Kennedy on the day of his assassination, also focuses on another member of the detail: The President's driver, William Greer, a native of County Tyrone.

William Greer was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1910. His family came to the United States when he was quite young. He joined the Navy and later joined the Secret Service and worked as a driver for Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy.

Greer’s actions the day JFK was killed remain controversial, so much so that some crazed conspiracy buffs have claimed that he was the one to shoot Kennedy because he was an Ulster Protestant who disliked Kennedy’s Catholic faith - a fact his son admitted to. The truth is that Greer acted badly once the shots rang out.

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