Vz61 Skorpion (full review)- Feat. Forgotten Weapons, Polenar Tactical, BOTR CZ Scorpion

2 years ago

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We dive into the history of the 🇨🇿 Škorpion Vz. 61 and how this little communist PDW has made it's way far past protecting soldiers, into international terrorlsm, and finally dominate movies and video games in the west.

Forgotten Weapons 3:00
Polenar Tactical 5:16, 13:25
Bloke on the Range 10:10
N64 Golden Eye Klobb 11:28
PUBG Chocotaco 11:41
Leonardo DiCaprio - Body of Lies 11:58
Keanu Reeves - The Matrix 12:11

Some may recognise this machine pistol's comedic appearance, but it has appeared in the Matrix, many western films, popular games such as PUBG, and lives on in the N64 game, Golden Eye (although it has never actually been in any 007 films.

Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons (3:00), Mike from Bloke on the Range (10:10) and Žiga from Polenar Tactical (5:16) have made contributions to this video and we appreciate their support!

Bloke on the Range Vz61 video: https://youtu.be/2tJZkdxvndU
Polenar Tactical Vz61 video: https://youtu.be/YF0kXLr8AlE
Forgotten Weapons Vz61 videos: https://youtu.be/TED6z4_9fmw

Chocotaco's PUBG Vz61 video: https://youtu.be/0sRM5vNdyQc

Also a shoutout to Brandon from the Gun Room (Texas) for hooking us up with an MP5SD3!

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