What Is The PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES YouTube Channel About?

2 years ago

FIRSTLY - We're purposing to lay up treasure in HEAVEN for God (See: Matt 6:19-21). People are God's GREATEST treasure ... and YOU are priceless to Him. Always remember ... when Jesus was paying the price for each of our sins on that painful cross -- He had YOU in mind.

SECONDLY - we are purposing to bring HOPE - ENCOURAGEMENT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS in alignment with God's holy Word ... to the discouraged, and to those searching for spiritual answers about God and eternity. It is obvious that God is using these testimonies to help encourage His people by reading the comments, and we can only thank God for doing so.

THIRDLY - we are asking God to use us to help motivate Christians to purpose to make a HUGE IMPACT on this planet with their lives to help bring OTHERS to the Lord. One way to help do that is to pass these testimonies along to others who may not be aware of this channel. You can provide links to them as you comment on other YouTube videos. They can be posted on all social media sites. The Good News Of The Gospel is given on most every one of them, which is probably the MOST IMPORTANT content that can be passed along for those who have not heard it clearly, or heard it at ALL.

As the Holy Spirit asks each of us: "How many souls will be in heaven because of what you DID while on earth?" The number may not be as important to God as is our CARING.

FOURTHLY - If you have made the decision to trust the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as payment for all your sins ... REMEMBER: Jesus is on YOUR side. He's FOR you - not AGAINST you. You are part of His cherished family. REMEMBER THAT IN YOUR BLEAKEST MOMENTS. REMEMBER THAT WHEN EVERYTHING IN YOUR MIND IS TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU DIFFERENTLY. BECAUSE you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ to be FREE from the guilt of your sins, Satan is going to do everything he can to keep you from experiencing "Life, and life more abundantly," as John 10:10 says is available to Christians. Precious Testimonies purposely wants to be used of God to help people fully understand that JESUS is the solution to every problem they face. Afterall - He's fully GOD - fully 1 of the 3 Persons of the eternal Godhead. Why wouldn't He have the solution/s and all the power necessary to back it up.

LASTLY - we know that God is using YouTube and social media to help fulfill the Great Commission -- taking the Gospel Message "to all nations before the end comes." We personally spend hours each week passing along this link: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xh-cUh2JnU&t=0s) on the Internet ... asking OTHER believers to do the same. It can be used as a SIGNATURE LINK at the bottom of every post a Christian makes on the Internet. That way it doesn't come across as pushy or offensive. "It's JUST our signature that means a LOT to us, so we're passing it along to others in a non-offensive way."

Please make the link YOUR signature ... whether in your emails, and every other place you post messages/content on the Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xh-cUh2JnU&t=0s

There's the old Christian saying "that if you take care of GOD'S most important business FIRST ... He'll be more inclined to take care of yours." We don't know about anyone else ... but we'll take the favor of God anytime we can GET it! What is God's MOST IMPORTANT "BUSINESS"?: SAVING LOST SOULS! All else follows AFTER that.

Please help distribute the Gospel message in YOUR community. https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it_50-free

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