Tim Scott traveling to Iowa amid 2024 speculation

1 year ago

Tim Scott traveling to Iowa amid 2024 speculation

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) will be traveling to Iowa next month amid speculation that the senator may be considering a White House bid in 2024.

Scott will be attending the Republican Party of Polk County Iowa’s annual Lincoln Dinner on Feb. 22 in West Des Moines, Iowa, according to an event listing on the local Republican Party’s website.

The event listing includes a short bio of the senator, noting his upbringing as the child of a single parent while living in poverty and touting his “Opportunity Agenda” and his involvement in the Senate Opportunity Coalition.

The event ramps up speculation that Scott is considering a 2024 presidential campaign given Iowa holds the first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses. The senator made multiple trips to the Hawkeye State last year, and this recent trip comes as other Republicans floated as potential presidential hopefuls have made their way to early primary states like New Hampshire.

READ MORE: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3837317-tim-scott-traveling-to-iowa-amid-2024-speculation/

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