You Are I AM!

2 years ago

This is a song I wrote about a year ago and it is truly just me wanting to honor and praise my God entering His gates with Thanksgiving and entering His courts with praise.
Thanksgiving is thanking God for all his benifets
PRAISE is acknowledging and lifting up all He is no matter what we face. His character is unchanging and consistent and is 100% reliable.
Thank Him for what he does for you, then Praise Him for all He is!!

Father I come before you
Entering your gates giving thanks
Your blessings pressed down, shaken together
Running over to make room for more!

I am blessed I am chosen
Adopted, forgiven, redeemed by your grace you renew every day!
I'm delivered, find shelter, under your wings I will hide in the shelter of the Most High!
All of my life I'll testify!
Yes!! I'll testify!!

Your character I want to know
Your heart beat instead of my own
So u draw near to you
Offering my sacrifice
of praise to you!
(2nd chorus )
You are good, you are Just you are Holy
Faithful, Provider, Defender and All Powerful!
You're Omnicient, Omnipresent
Eternal, Loving,
Your Righteous Unchanging and Glorious!
Beginning and the End
You Are I AM!!
Yes!! You Are I AM!!

God of impossible wonder!
Great is your splendor!
Bring low my enemies!!
Let them all flee you have the Victory!!
Hear the Roar!!!

Repeat 2nd chorus⤴️

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