启示录 16 章七灾的结束。 格蕾塔苦难的终结

2 years ago

Revelation 16 heralds the end of the Great Tribulation.
The loud voice is God’s command to the angels to pour out the seven bowls on earth with His wrath. The first angel pours his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came upon men, who had the sign of the Beast. What kind of sores are they? Ulcers, tumors, cancer, tumors from atomic bomb, nuclear power stations?
The second angel pours his bowl into the sea. Well mankind is already destroying all life in the sea (pollution, oil drilling, oil disasters). So it is no surprise that God Almighty is capable of killing all things in the sea causing the blood of the creatures to color the sea red. Or what to think of a nuclear explosion or a big earthquake or volcano eruption in the ocean. We know of the big fractures in the ocean.
The third angel pours his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of water became blood. In Revelation worldwide the rivers and fountains changed into blood. What a smell over the whole world, all living creature in the oceans, seas, rivers and fountains are all dead. The smell many people has experienced, consider rotting fish at a very warm day, or due to botulism. And a terrible thirst no drinkable water. Only One God Who has all power and controls all. Not man, not satan, but God alone.
Why is God justice? Because God has warned mankind sufficiently. But man has ignored the warnings delivered by Gods prophets, preachers, evangelists, Internet, and His Word, the Bible. Yes, even worse, man has killed the prophets and preachers. Now God is punishing.
The fourth angel pours his bowl on the sun to scorch men with fierce heat. Impossible and strange? How much trouble must the environmentalists take to prevent the destruction of mankind (people lusting for riches and industrialists) and damage of the ozone layer. No ozone layer, that can result in a fierce heat of the sun upon the earth.
The earth had no water so that the forests are dry and possible huge forest fires are the consequences of the enormous heat of the sun. It might also be enormous sun eruptions. Anyway the heat passes through the atmosphere and scorches men with fire.
The fifth angel pours his bowl on the beast. Now the beast, satan and his evil angels are punished. Nevertheless they continue to steer up mankind against God.
The sixth angel pours his bowl on the river Euphrates. The Lord God prepares and clears the way for the nations to attack the state Israel, by the kings from the east. East of Israel are Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Iran. We all know that presently Iraq is the greatest danger. The three foul spirits like frogs are the demonic spirits full of blasphemy which come from the dragon, the first beast and the second beast which is called here the false prophet. They start to assemble the nations of the earth to fight against God and try to end the tortures of God, the Almighty. And the nations are gathered at Armageddon. Armageddon (Hebrew) means the mountain of Megiddo. This raises a problem, because Megiddo is not a mountain (or did it become a mountain due to the earthquake in the Great Tribulation?) but today it is a plain between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean.
And the seventh angel pours his bowl into the air. Then follows a big earthquake, so big that the great city Babylon splits into three parts (Although generally with the great city, the city Jerusalem is meant, here from the context it is clear that Babylon is meant).But presently, does exist Babylon? Some explanations are possible
- Babylon symbolically, as a representation of people, who are against God and in favor of richness and power
- Babylon as a city that will be built in the time of the end
- Berlin has the altar of Zeus and temple of Pergamum
And great hailstones, heavy as a hundred-weight (about 30 kilograms), dropped on men from heaven. And destroying the tanks, helicopters and aircraft (or horses with their riders) at the battle of Armageddon.

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