Complaining can be powerful

2 years ago

Yesterday I caught myself complaining about the weather and my guides quickly came in and reminded me of something they have told me many times over the years.

Complaint = unmet need.

So what is the need they are afraid isn’t going to be met? What is the actual problem?

The problem was I hate being cold, and I would experience travel delays.

So I had to sit and pivot.
Yo find ways to stay warm and a place to go until the roads were safe to travel on.

I had to be the conscious parent to my smaller aspects (aka ego and inner children) so they could feel safe that even though things are not going as expected that we would be okay.

So before you speak your complaints, try observing them and resolving them before you speak them.

This will also help you cultivate more self trust.

This is the power of being mindful aka present!

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