Spiritual Warrior - Working in Meditative State at Zero Point, Inner Child, Soul Retrieval, Balance

1 year ago

Andrea was taken from her Mother as a child. We go through the 'heroes' journey of a little kid who lives to tell the tale. We go through the depths and through the mechanisms of where this sits now in the energy field and how to retrieve the captured energy of her Soul.

Andrea asks to do the work with me and I facilitate meditation, energy field experiences, and inner child connection.

0:00 Setting Energy Parameters to do Work During Meditation
20:00 Andrea's Story
1:16:10 Transformation & Blessing: Soul Retrieval Begins as Inner Child Responds
1 hr 32 min

Topics Covered:
- Experiencing One's Field from Zero Point
- Experiences of the Inner Child
- Accepting What Was - Transformative Viewpoints, Seeing the Other's Side
- Blessing the Participants, Seeing Seemingly Opposing Sides
- The Adult, the Child, the Soul; Three viewpoints
- Moving Energy through the Human System
- Moving Between Energetic States and Dimensional States of Being

Work of the Spiritual Warrior - Working in Meditation at Zero Point, Inner Child & Soul Retrieval

Important Notes
If you have a medical issue, see a doctor or medical practitioner. If you have psychological issues, see a therapist or psychiatrist.

The Meditation work described herein is to enhance joy in living, expanding self-love, for personal enjoyment, and entertainment purposes.

Stay Strong💪
Keep Going❤️

See Andrea Scully's blog and writing at https://andreastar00.com

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Gratitude 🙏 

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Music Credits
Music clips are licensed for commercial and non-commercial use.

Geographic Art Images by SusanInspired.

This video was created and is shared with you with the gracious permission of Andrea Scully. Thank you. ❤️

© 2023 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included, and the content is not behind a paywall. For Business inquiries, or personal consultation, contact me at my blog.

Thank you for sharing!



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