Assessing and Treating the Aggressive Individual | Dr. Matthew Stanford | W8b MC 2002

2 years ago

Summer Institute Workshops 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Thursday, July 18, 2002
W8 Matthew Stanford, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair of Psychology, University of New Orleans

Assessing and Treating the Aggressive Individual

Aggressive behavior has traditionally been classified into two distinct subtypes; 1) an emotionally charged, uncontrolled type of aggressive display (impulsive, unintentional, affective, reactive) or 2) a planned, controlled, unemotional aggressive act (premeditated, intentional, predatory, proactive). While a number of research criteria, semi-structured interviews, and self-report scales have been proposed to classify violent individuals or the aggressive acts they display, the clinical usefulness of these classification techniques is suspect.

This workshop will outline the development of a clinically useful nosology of aggressive behavior designed to characterize aggressive behavior. Within the nosology, aggressive behavior is first classified as either primary or secondary in nature.

Primary aggression is defined as a pattern of aggressive behavior not secondary to a diagnosable Axis I psychiatric disorder or the direct physiological effects of a substance or general medical condition. While most primary aggressive individuals will display both premeditated and impulsive acts of aggression, one form will usually be predominant. Thus, individuals who display primary aggression are further classified into the following subtypes: predominately impulsive (a majority of the individual's aggressive acts are spontaneous or reactive responses to provocation with loss of behavioral control) or predominately premeditated (a majority of the individual's aggressive acts are planned or conscious, not spontaneous or related to an agitated state).

Secondary aggression is defined as a pattern of aggressive behavior due to the direct effects of a diagnosable Axis I psychiatric disorder or the direct physiological effects of a substance or general medical condition. This aggression may be premeditated or impulsive in nature. Treatment of the primary disorder brings about a reduction or cessation of the aggressive behavior. Data related to the effectiveness of potential treatments in aggressive subtypes will be discussed. This research is funded by a grant from the Dreyfus Health Foundation.

Educational Objectives: 1) To learn a clinically useful nosology of aggressive behavior. 2) Gain an understanding of the effectiveness of different treatments for the various aggressive subtypes.
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