I See You

2 years ago

What does it mean to SEE someone? When we have the ability to look inside a persons heart and soul, we can obtain a Knowing of who they truly are. Having that Knowing helps us accept and understand who that person really is. When we See a person honestly, we know if they are the right or wrong person for us. We know if we can trust them. We understand their weaknesses and strengths accept and can accept them in whatever relationship we choose to have.

Join Gina Martell and Jodi Suson-Calhoun as they share ways to get to really SEE or Know a person.
Jodi Suson 847-738-0242 Jodi@SusonEssentials.com www.susonessentials.com

Gina Martell of Zen Horse Barn 786-473-9494 https://www.coachginamartell.net

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