[Sex Ed 101] Is Fear running your Sex-life? The Roots of Promiscuity & Lust.

1 year ago


Watch the full conversation HERE 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqi7WOALJLR0bQYEGfRKK-hX5oEqLjlM-

👉 In this video we continue our conversation about the modern sex ed we’ve received and how we’ve become completely confused as to what sexuality is actually about. Now we discuss the difference between the lust and promiscuous sex we’ve been presented with, and genuine healthy sexuality. In a culture where dis-ease has become the norm and is even celebrated, we lack the most basic sexual education, namely how to cultivate our own sexual energy and channel it in a constructive way to grow ourselves and build our lives.

#sexuality #lust #sexed


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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