Pyllis is the best Waifu... fite me - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary 碧空之歌 Vs. Harmonious

2 years ago

碧空之歌 Vs. Harmonious

LucentAzure Vs. xFSuODct
00:00 Arunka, Shadow Knight Pyllis, Roana Vs. Lua, Senya, Choux
02:50 Celine, Sylvan Sage Vivian, Unbound Knight Arowell Vs. Ran, Apocalypse Ravi, Summertime Iseria

LucentAzure Vs. 岚岚酱哟
04:13 Zahhak, Inferno Khawazu, Angel of Light Angelica Vs. Savior Adin, Senya, Ran
05:30 Lionheart Cermia, Roana, Shadow Knight Pyllis Vs. Conqueror Lilias, Mort, Mercedes

LucentAzure Vs. Aatroxy
08:00 Arunka, Roana, Shadow Knight Pyllis Vs. Unbound Knight Arowell, Senya, Choux
10:30 Commander Pavel, Operator Sigret, Straze Vs. Christy, Destina, Aria

11:11 Stats

Music Used in order of appearance:
Sonic Frontiers OST - Undefeatable (Giganto boss theme)
Sonic Frontiers OST - Breaking Through It All (Wyvern boss theme)
Sonic Frontiers OST - Find Your Flame (Knight boss theme)
I'm Here (Short Ver.) [Instrumental] - Sonic Frontiers

#EpicSeven #E7 #Guildwar #Smilegate #SuperCreative #commentary

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