Drone Flight 2023-01-30 - Trindle Spring Run from Pleasant View Park

2 years ago

Circle of Jackasses by Charlie Chatham Chaswick

The stories in this work include parodies of long-standing genres and original tales of irreverent occurrence. Each story involves humor that neither conforms to political correctness or social standards of good taste. These stories are not for the weak-hearted. These stories are for adults and include profanity, violence, sex, degenerate behavior, and spectacular drama and action. You may even find a moral or two thrown in somewhere amongst them. If you do, it was completely accidental.

Found in this esteemed collection are these gems:
Lust For Luscious
Sherlock Jerkweed and the Case of the Broken Boner
Squantis and Shitowski
Morons on the Highway
Not This Guy
The Gas and the Piss Outa Ya I; Life Lessons
The Gas and the Piss Outa Ya 2; More Gas, More Piss
The Gas and the Piss Outa Ya 3; The Taming of the Boor

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