1KE1: Challenge #4 Balancing economic growth and environmental sustainability

2 years ago

Discover Agoras: The blockchain solution for sustainable economic growth. Prioritize the environment while boosting profits with transparent and secure smart contracts, decentralized governance, and innovative Tau technology. Join the movement to create a harmonious future for our planet.

Disclaimer: Please note that Tau and Agoras are currently in the development stage and are not yet completed. Any information provided about the project is based on my understanding and interpretation, and should not be taken as a guarantee of its final functionality or features.

0:05 Introductory Question
0:13 Introduction of Agoras
0:24 Job Displacement and Economic Insecurity
1:17 How Agoras addresses these challenges

Tau Official Website: https://tau.net/
Tau Official Telegram: https://t.me/tauchain
Tau Official Discord: https://discord.gg/fuTA5ymZ
Tau Official Development Updates: https://github.com/IDNI/TML
TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

My Official Blog: https://andrewonizuka5.wixsite.com/learn-tau
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndrewOnizuka
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073737020446
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrewonizuka/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Andrew_Onizuka

Many thanks to Pexel
Photo by Lina Mamone: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lighted-city-during-night-1472612/
Video by Tom Fisk: https://www.pexels.com/video/drone-shot-of-smoke-coming-from-smokestack-of-an-industrial-building-4884642/
Video by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/video/two-business-people-having-a-discussion-8124061/

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