the big things are easier to get over cos the little things add up

1 year ago

myrtle beach, the most ghetto ass beach in the world
don't chu love this ghetto ass mug w/ my name on it
when am i not thinkin bout sumin
weird shit for a woman to think, even weirder shit for an american to think
3 day old coffee, we must make due
i had no other choice, cold brew no mas
what is cold brew???
appointment @ the bowl & joint clinic
bad car wreck in july and now my knees are pretty screwey
i just hate doctors and don't trust the medical profession so the last thing i wanna do is go to yet another doctor for anything
my holistic nurse friend told me to get it checked out so here we are
i wish these things didn't bother me but alas
little things man, always n forever
don't get in front of me or i will kill you
yours truly is the real frontier
oooh they got behind me cos they missed me already
nobody can get close to me except God

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