P.O.V How I make money while living in a Van & How to get "Spending Money"

2 years ago

I wanted to make two separate videos but due to lazyness or lack of planning they are both in one video!! xD

This is just a video that shows you what I do with sidegigs and also a video on how to get "spending money" this is the money you can use for getting the things you want

most people use survival money as spending money and thus this confusion leads to poverty,working a job you don't wanna do and sometimes ending up being owned by the things they wanted to get in life

it's honestly a topic I wish I would of known about when I was younger (so the value is incredible on this video!)

Check out the Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MerkuDesigns

Chasing Luck Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-wgUDSnn60&ab_channel=SadisticEnergy

The Unfortunate attack on the youth (The Dark Side of the Internet)

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Anyways thanks for watching this video!!!

#vanlife #livinginavan #selfimprovement #vancontent #SideGigs

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