Final Fantasy 1: Female Warriors Rom Hack (Nes) - Female Warriors of Light Rescue Princess Sarah from Garland

2 years ago

Action Extreme Gaming - Final Fantasy 1: Female Warriors Rom Hack Gameplay Video (Nes) - Female Warriors of Light Rescue Princess Sarah from Garland

Manall's FF1 Nes Rom Hack

Trying out a New Final Fantasy 1 Rom hack which was recently released last week on which replaces all the Old Male Class Warrior characters with an All New Cast of Female Warriors,which is basically Final Fantasy 1: Waifu

not only do with get new Female Warrior Job classes,but this rom hack completly overhauls the Battle System with much needed new Improvements to Improve the game's Clunky Battle system,because one minor complaint I always had with Final Fantasy 1 was it's Defective/Clunky/Wonky Slow Ass Battle System which not only do your attacks often miss High Level enemies (especially the Wolf Enemies and the Creep Enemies),but also,FF1 had this annoying falal Bug Flaw,that if you try to attack an enemey thats already dead which instead of automatically attacking the next enemey,the attack with miss and say "INeffective" that always annoyed the hell out of me.

luckially,this rom hack,fixes that Annoying flaw,which you'll see why with this rom hack! Totally worth trying out:P as this rom hack makes improvement perfections to an already classic Gem,which wasn't perfect without it's flaws.

Now I've never did play the GBA or PSP remakes,but I heard those versions improve alot of the Flaws from the Broken NES verison,but I digresss:P

anyways,THe Female Warriors of Light attempt a darring Rescue Mission to save Princess Sarah from Garland,the first boss of the game! Heavy Over grinding was defentially required!

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