2023-01-29, GESARA SHOW 091 - Sunday

2 years ago

January 29, 2023, The GESARA Show 091
Duration: 3:14:28

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gillies (St. Louis, USA).

This is the 91st episode of the GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

In this episode, we discuss the Paul Pelosi video, how to find others with knowledge that can help you, the upcoming shows from Orlando incl. a presentation from Peter. Could the Fiat currencies finally be coming to their end by March 20th or even sooner?

In the Q&A, we answer questions to Zim bonds, UCC questions and crypto currencies.

0:00:00 Introduction, Billy is back.
0:02:34 What don't we know?
0:03:36 Pelosi Video and other news
0:09:32 How to find people who know how to do things.
0:13:04 Stamps orders.
0:14:33 Show in Orlando with CC on Sat. Feb. 18, 1pm/GESARA Show on Sun, Feb 19.
0:20:13 Summary of Insider News - End of Fiat Dollar?
0:54:19 Special Live Show with Peter in Florida
1:00:58 GESARA News
1:38:49 Peter bought XLM
1:41:57 Q&A: Sujata, Value of ZIM declines after 2 notes? Control of project.
1:49:26 Q&A: Kirsten, Oki's message.
1:53:30 Q&A: Richard, UCC 12 Presumptions of Law in black?
1:54:12 Q&A: Jim, American flag upside down.
1:55:44 Q&A: Gayden, Soft or hard wallet? Why XLM?
1:58:49 Q&A: Kevin RV, Zeroing out of Dollar. https://usdebtclock.org
2:00:35 Q&A: Tamera, UCC: Magistrate and country courts.
2:06:34 Q&A: Hannah, UCC, changed her names 4x.
2:11:35 Q&A: Jerry, Revolut Bank and crypto.
2:16:50 Q&A: Sherry, Obtaining legal corners in USA? Can copies be stapled?
2:29:06 Q&A: Tamera, Asked about deadline and if press is needed.
2:33:26 Q&A: Ann, Requirements for Zim appointment.
2:34:46 Q&A: Richard, Embosser used on which pages.
2:36:58 Q&A: Patricia U, Upside down flag means: We will never surrender.
2:39:28 Q&A: Donna, XRP and LOBSTR, buying XRP.
2:41:50 Q&A: Kirsten, Tried to buy XLM, and bank does not allow it.
2:43:45 - Revolut bank and crypto. Peter's link for Revolut: https://bit.ly/3sAue0b
2:44:18 Q&A: Jacint, Revolut Bank and UCC Public Statement.
2:47:40 UCC Public Notices at https://gesara-show.com/public-record.php
2:48:44 Final thoughts of the day.
2:50:05 Wrapping up
2:50:44 Unusual GESARA Show on Feb 19. with Peter in New York.
2:52:13 Bonus: End Game: Internet of Value and rise of the Level Playing Field
3:14:28 End.


Peter will be giving a live presentation in Orlando on Feb. 18 with the CC. If you are a local CC member, look out for an invitation that has just been sent out.

Thanks a lot


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