Dead Space Remake - Full Clearance Achievement/Trophy Guide - Create the Master Security Override

2 years ago

The Dead Space remake guide showing where to find the 7 rigs required for the You Are Not Authorized quest and needed for the Full Clearance achievement/trophy.

This will also give you access to locks that require Master Security clearance. Rigs may be collected before starting the questline.

1. Chapter 3: Voelker's Rig - Outside Flight Deck
2. Chapter 4: White's Rig - Trench with ADS Cannons
3. Chapter 6: Holt's Rig - East Grow Chamber
4. Chapter 7: Dallas's Rig - Mineral Processing Control
5. Chapter 7: Rosseaux's Rig - Fuel Storage
6. Chapter 8: Bailey's Rig - E. Bailey's Office
7. Chapter 10: Benson's Rig - Tram Tunnel

Time Stamps:
00:00 - Quest Start
00:43 - Voelker's Rig
01:02 - White's Rig
01:18 - Holt's Rig
01:55 - Dallas's Rig
02:39 - Rosseaux's Rig
03:33 - Bailey's Rig
03:49 - Benson's Rig
04:46 - Quest End

Dead Space Achievement Guide:


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