THE TRUTH about TEDDY DANIELS "In the Trenches", that Ted and Stew Peters don't want you to know.

1 year ago

This video "Meet the REAL Teddy Daniels" appeared on YouTube April 17, 2022,
during the 2022 primary elections, when
Teddy Daniels was in a heated 9 way GOP primary for Pennsylvania Lt. Governor.

After this video became public :
Daniels ranted publicly, with blames and conspiracy theories.
Daniels made news 9 days later, after a PFA filed against him by his wife.
Daniels finished in 3rd place in the GOP primary on May 16, 2022.
Daniels made news again the next day, calling the winner a pig and a turd.

Daniels announced a new podcast for June 2022,
a reworking of his previous 2020 "In the Trenches with Daniels",
on The Stew Peters Network on Rumble.

The most recent revelation about Teddy Daniels
(December 2022) concerns those military medals on the wall
on every episode of "In the Trenches with Teddy Daniels".
Teddy Daniels displays 13 medals and ribbons.
However, in a 2022 FOIA email, a U.S. Army spokesman
lists and verifies NOT 13 medals and ribbons, but ONLY 8.

Why is Teddy Daniels wearing 9 medals in public,
when the U.S. Army only has record of 7 of the 9?

Why is Teddy Daniels displaying (even more) 13 medals and ribbons on his podcasts,
when the U.S. Army only has record of 8 of the 13?

More about the REAL Teddy Daniels
can be found at this public Facebook group.

April 17, 2022 YouTube - Meet the REAL Teddy Daniels

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