Spiritual Paralysis | Sermon 01/29/2023

2 years ago

John 5:1-15

Some time after Jesus’ stay in Galilee He went down to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews. Just northeast of the temple by the Sheep Gate was the pool of Bethesda. It was made up of two pools with five colonnades around it. Within this pool were sick people of all types: blind, lame, cripped, and paralyzed people. The Jews, including the man who was sick for 38 years, believed the pool to have healing powers. Jesus goes to this man, aside from all the others, and asks him if he wishes to become well. Three times ginomai/egeneto are used in this passage which points back to the Prologue in which the eternal Word-made-flesh has come to re-create, to heal, and bring salvation.

However, this man despite being healed by Jesus and miraculously walking, will still be spiritually paralyzed. Jesus commands him to get up, pick up his pallet, and walk. But the Jewish authorities see this man carrying his pallet which is against the 39 categories of Sabbath prohibitions according to the traditions of the elders. The Jewish leaders are also spiritually paralyzed as they easily overlook a clear supernatural occurrence from God in this man’s ability to walk again in one second after 38 years of infirmity.

The man blames Jesus for carrying the pallet so the officials would leave him be. Jesus then tells the healed man to sin no more, to leave this spiritual paralysis and unbelief that so ensnares the Jews, lest something worse happen to him. The fact is, temporal healing does one no good if they don’t receive eternal healing as well. What this account will eventually unfold into is the fact that these people disregard Jesus as the Messiah, disregard the will of the Father in the works of Christ, and they will affirm their fidelity to superstitious sacred pools and heartless rule-keeping.

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