If You Think, You're Dead: Trust The Guide Episode #3, Christian Hunter Devotional Outreach Speaker

4 years ago

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A campfire, a bottle of Alaskan Amber, grizzly bears, bush flying, and laying a foundation on "The Rock."

Just like Maverick said on Top Gun, there comes a time on every man's Christian journey where "If you think,,, you're dead." When reason runs dry, our strength isn't enough, and all tangible hope is lost,,, one finds his faith.

BOOK A HUNT WITH BILLY MOLLS - https://billymollsadventures.com/alaska-hunting-adventures/

INVITE BILLY TO SPEAK AT YOUR EVENT - https://billymollsadventures.com/public-speaking/

HUNT CONSULTING - https://billymollsadventures.com/worldwide-hunting-consultant/

PURCHASE MERCH - https://billymollsadventures.com/shop/

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