(MUST WATCH)Caught on CCTV pensioner keying neighbour`s £60,000 4x4

1 year ago

Pensioner Keith Ardley, 75, was so jealous of his neighbour's car Mr Marius Crisan's brand new Lexus 4x4 car was damaged out of anger and spite.

Mr Ardley was caught on CCTV running a key along the side of the black Lexus 450h Hybrid in the car park of the block of flats at Wimbledon Hall, in Bournemouth.

Mrs Ardley and Mr Ardley who is a retired council IT worker were walking past the complainant's vehicle and he eventually let his anger and jealousy get the better of him while walking past Mr Crisan’s car on Jan 8, 2022.

Ardley, who is partially deaf and blind, was prosecuted for causing £1,000 in criminal damage to Mr Crisan’s car.

Ardley denied the offence and told Poole Magistrates’ Court he “never tells lies”.

Mrs Ardley then stated she had seen the scratches the day before but the court dismissed her comments.

Jason Spelman, prosecuting, told the court that the couple had come up with excuses that just “didn’t make sense”.

He said: “We have CCTV which clearly shows the defendant scoring lines into the car.

“The defendant suggested that he was simply running his fingers along the car to feel for the scratches his wife had mentioned the day before.”


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