They Will Die First Before They Lose Control Of The Deep State

1 year ago

Trump is on the campaign trail. He wanted to go to NH, the first primary. And meet the grassroots. These were intended to be intimate meetings. Then he goes to SC and meets with the grassroots there. Then attend dinner until 11pm on Saturday night.

The leaders of the RNC don’t care what the grassroots want.

We have to have someone that will have the guts to do the right thing. Have you seen what is happening in Japan, China, Iran, Israel, Ukraine, russia…

They will die first before they lose control of the deep state.

They ran cover with the documents with Mike Pence and how we over classify documents.

The debt crisis and we can’t fight these wars on multiple fronts. Biggs says that sending 31 tanks to Ukraine brings us closer to a major world war. We will soon have boots on the ground. The tanks that we are sending take 6-9 months to train.

Pentagon top brass want send f-16

Possible war with China in next 2 years. We don’t have tanks. Are we telling China in advance that we aren’t ready for war on multiple fronts?

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