Is Tyre Nichols Being Used To Fit A Narrative?

2 years ago

They want to fit a narrative. There are 5 officers. Memphis disbands scorpion task force. They are trying to make this into racism. Anytime anything happens the deep state has narratives they want to fill. This is perfect timing to fill a narrative. If Tyre lives you never hear anything about this. He died 3 days after the attack. There is nothing new about this in Memphis, Chicago, Atlanta. It just happened that Tyre didn’t live through this one. When Benjamin Crump and Al Sharpton show up it's all about the money. It is unknown why Tyre was pulled over and why the police came to the door so aggressively. There are a lot of questions. The 5 officers are part of the scorpio task force. It is 70% black officers.

MPD granted $9.8M to hire new officers as calls to defund police mount. This article is June 2020. The DOJ will fund the salaries of 50 Memphis police department officers as part of the community oriented policing services hiring programs known as COPS. This grant hired 10 veterans officers to be assigned to the Operation Relentless Pursuit Task Force.

Activists ask MPD for more de-escalation training, better mental health resources for officers, article from June 2020. The taxpayers have paid millions for new crime units and mental health resources for police officers all across the nation.

The congressional black caucus calling for police reform. The brown and black citizens are scared to talk to the black and brown officers. There will not be any kind of solution that will come of this. The police departments have millions and millions of dollars to handle the situation with Crisis Intervention teams

We are sending the tanks. Mike Minihan predicts that we will be in war with China by 2025. We can’t fight a war on different fronts and China knows that.

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