Sacred Space Workshop

2 years ago

Sharing my gnosis regarding the psychology of the spirit through l looking at the stages or states of consciousness we go through and experience in this dimension of reality. We all move in realities from complete unconscious or complete amnesia/forgetfulness of our divine nature and origins to unconscious remembrance where we are still unaware but have feelings and callings to awake, then to conscious remembrance where awakening comes online and the divine truths begin to integrate back into the consciousness, from there we move into embodiment which is the complete awareness that we are not only one with all of creation but that it is our very own SELF. With the utmost importance I share how we are creating and experiencing reality from thought to creation and how this co-creating power of who we are is the faculty each one of us possess that can create a new world and also the faculty which is used to steer collective and society thoughts, beliefs and perceptions to then create a reality in alignment with those who would have us subjugated. Our truth is our freedom and equally our power is what is used against us. We bring life from thought to image into creation individually and collectively. May this video and all videos a share bring illumination and grace to all beings that experience these offerings from the heart of oneness and truth.

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