2 years ago

The death cult-nothing between. Those of you who have followed my videos for a while understand how I hear from God on each broadcast. A word or a sentence is dropped into my spirit, and I step into it by faith and receive the revelation that comes out of that word.
I received this phrase," the death cult," after coming out of a dream I had last night. In the dream, I was at a Service in an old church that my dad pastored when I was a teenager. In the dream, I was an adult with a history of ministry behind me.
As in most gatherings of this sort, there is always someone in charge and giving direction for the service, etc. That is normal and needed; even the scripture says we must have things done decently and in order.
However, in this dream, the group's overseer was here and conducting business meetings. Promotions were made, and others were demoted. Because of a judgment on the overseer's part, I was demoted and penalized with a duty I had already performed in my beginning stage of ministry.
Even though this was a dream, I still felt the rejection I'd been set aside, which didn't add to my self-worth.
When I awoke Holy Spirit began to speak to me and drop this phrase in my heart; "death suit, nothing between."
When the Spirit of God spoke to us through the Scriptures and said, "call no man father" because you have one Father who is in heaven.
This was the beginning of a new order called the ecclesia, which means the body of Christ where there is neither male or female bonded free Greek or Jew; we are all one in Christ.
This doesn't do away with Ephesians 411, where it expresses the five ministries that are given to the church to bring us to maturity. However, I suspect the journey is shorter than we have been teaching it. What seems to happen in the modern church when they start teaching the five ministries it becomes a permanent status of someone between us and our relationship with the Father.
Everyone needs mentors and tutors when they are young, but even Paul said when I became a man, I put away those days of childish obedience to someone else.
I am convinced that if the church arises to its full stature, we must learn face-to-face relationships on individual experiences with the Father himself. When this is operated in love, it enables us to walk together as one in Christ.
If someone or something gets between you and the face of your Father, you begin the journey of death. You'll become subservient to another instead of to the Father. You rely on them hearing the Father and telling you what he said. Anything you receive second-hand is always on the way to becoming rotten and spoiled.
This does not take away from spiritual fellowship, spiritual counseling, or receiving from teachers and prophets. Those things are intended to be part of your journey, not the journey itself. All of those things add to what you have heard the Father say to you directly and become a witness and an expression of the kingdom of God.
So today, we examine ourselves again to see that there is nothing between us and the face of our Father as our relationship continues to mature.




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