STREETS OF RAGE - Bad police drive radical traitors over the edge that bring terror to the streets

2 years ago

A bad cop appears to kill a man unjustly, and it drives the already on the edge radical ethno-socialists to commit terror in American streets. Instead of calls for everyone to #GoHome and stop destroying their cities, so called ethno-socialist leaders throw gas on the fire and encourage mutiny. The President has called in backup with many arrest and a designation of terrorism has been placed on "some" of the agitators. Others continue to stoke the fire. The righteous many must confront the wicked few, or evil will triumph.
*Flashback content originally published May 31, 2020
Jesse Lee Peterson -
Minds & Gab: @JesseLeePeterson

Savanah Hernandez -
Twitter: @sav_says_

Owen Shroyer -
Minds, Truth, Gab: @allidoisowen
Video made by - Cash Daily / KWR analyst -
Minds, Truth, Gab: @cashdaily

Know What's Right -
Minds: @knowwhatsright

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