Premier of Quebec Francois Legault shows his loyalty to the devil and flashes 666 hand sign

2 years ago

Premier of Quebec Francois Legault shows his loyalty to the devil and flashes 666 hand sign - Proof, they're all Satanists, cultists, Freemasons.
Quebec premier Francois Legault shows his loyalty to Satanic secret society flashes Illuminati 666 masonic hand sign in video - Original Youtube video now censored.

Original Youtube video title: Premier of Quebec (Francois Legault) shows his loyalty to the devil and flashes 666 - Then the others also show their allegiance to Satan.

Quebec premier Francois Legault shows his loyalty to Satanic secret society flashes Illuminati 666 masonic hand sign in video. Still wondering why nothing ever changes for the better in Canadian, Americana and European politics? They're all part of a Secret Society member of Freemasonic Satanic cultists. The more they obey their Satanic corporate masters, the more they get rewarded financially. If they don't obey, they get quickly removed from their political or corporate positions. It's all a game to deceive, manipulate and string us all along...

Top Ten Illuminati Signs By Illuminati Rex Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant.

Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. Profanes, Barbarians, Cowans and other outsiders are left in darkness.

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