Harmeet Dhillon – How Do Dems Get Away With Cheating ?!!, 3995

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

This morning, Maria Bartiromo had Harmeet Dhillon on. Harmeet tried to unseat Republican National Committee Chair, Ronna McDaniel as head of the RNC, but came up short. However, Harmeet, perhaps the nation’s foremost attorney on election integrity issues, laid out what needs to be done in preparation for Election 2024 in her usual, concise manner.

Insert to: “… of election operations….”

But here is the root cause of a solid 40 years of Democrat wins, that have morphed into domination by CCP money and Soros money into this free-for-all when it comes to election integrity.

In 1982, Republicans in New Jersey were found guilty of gerrymandering election districts to suppress black and Latino neighborhoods. But for some reason, Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review all proposed “ballot security” measures Republicans tried to impose, and this was interpreted by lower courts nationwide as no-holds-barred for Democrats and a near-total shackling of Republican efforts to keep elections honest.

That’s why the Dems have gotten away with massive mail-in voting and weak voter identification rules across the nation ever since. They now have a 40-year lead on the Republicans.

This consent decree was renewed by the court in 1987 and was scheduled to expire finally in Dec. of 2017. The RNC fought this nationwide decree tooth and nail all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the Supremes refused to hear it.

This is in keeping with the Supreme Court’s basic proclivity not to interfere with elections.

So, for the last 40 years, he RNC has been terrified to really push back on leftist election cheating for fear of having this consent decree renewed by same federal court somewhere in the fruited plains.

The Dems continue to try to find some case, where they can get their foot in the door once again. Two weeks before the 2016 election where Trump won the presidency, the Democrat National Committee filed a motion once again claiming the RNC had violated the decree. On Nov. 5th, just 3 days before the Trump election, after an abbreviated discovery, the court denied the DNC’s request which claimed that the Trump campaign and the RNC were interfering with their ballot-security operations.

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