Call an Ambulance | Kingpin Combo Control Deck Guide Marvel Snap Draft

2 years ago

A new brew of Kingpin stomps his way into todays deck guide.
Deck code below!

The idea behind this deck is to put kingpin control into the Sera Surfer shell. This way we have a solid base line of stat generation, and Sera opens up some incredible combo potential. Watch along with the video guide to see how to build the Kingpin Control deck and how to play it and win and climb to infinite rank!

Deck Code:

0:00 - Kingpin Deck
2:13 - Game 1 (Vs Sera Patriot)
5:56 - Game 2 (Rematch)
9:10 - Game 3 (Spiderman Carries)
11:36 - Game 4 (Dirty Plays)
14:37 - Game 5 (Kingpin Holds)

#marvelsnap, #kingpin, #deckguide,

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